About us

Our company
Pacific Partnerships is developing infrastructure for a better world. We drive innovative collaboration across CIMIC Group's collective expertise to create, fund, own, deliver and operate sustainable solutions.

Our leaders
We develop and deliver bold solutions that underpin the prosperity, productivity and liveability of our cities and their people.

Our mission and principles
Pacific Partnership's shares CIMIC Group's disciplined approach to business and commitment to strong corporate governance.

Trusted partner
At the core of our commitment to client success and sustainable communities is being a trusted partner - responsive, collaborative and disciplined.

Partner of choice for PPPs
Major PPP projects are in our DNA. CIMIC Group has been responsible for delivering more than 30 PPPs valued at over $70b over the past 25 years.

Renewable energy partner
Our focus is on large-scale renewable generation assets and the infrastructure required to support it, including storage and transmission assets.