Lifecycle delivery
Leadership at every stage
We successfully control, plan, deliver and manage all phases of our projects by deploying the necessary technical, commercial, financial and operational resources.
This drives a consistent commitment to safety, value, quality, innovation, productivity, program and sustainable outcomes across all participants and phases.

What we do
Through our leadership of the integrated model, we:
- Identify and originate projects – we proactively engage with industry and our clients to identify opportunities and delivery strategies to enable critical state and national infrastructure projects
- Develop privately funded projects – through strong partnerships with CIMIC companies, we apply our active leadership model – based on our technical, commercial and financial expertise – which enables us to de-risk projects and deliver competitive, whole-of-life solutions
- Deliver projects – we synchronise efforts across all phases of the project. We deliver enhanced value in development, design and construction, operations and maintenance to facilitate long-term asset management.